calendar>>July 30. 2016 Juche 105
Susan Rice's China Visit Termed Clumsy and Mean Trip
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- A reporter of KCNA Saturday released the following article titled "Clumsy and mean trip":

These days the U.S. media have field day about the China junket of Susan Rice, special assistant to the U.S. president for national security.

The White House said in a statement of a spokesperson for the National Security Council that both sides reached a consensus of view that bilateral cooperation is at an unprecedentedly high level and discussed the issue of narrowing down the differences in a constructive manner.

Rice reeled off a litany of rhetoric at the talks, meetings and other diplomatic channels that the U.S.-China relations are the most important bilateral ties in the present world, success in China is in conformity with the interests of the U.S. and it is its stand to spur the steady and stable development of the U.S.-China relations of cooperation.

This is nothing but a poor gesture to soothe China after the China-U.S. relations got noticeably chilly these days due to the U.S. decision to deploy THAAD in south Korea and its interference in the issue of the South China Sea.

It was by no means accidental coincidence that Rice flew into Beijing when U.S. Secretary of State Kerry busied himself with forming an anti-China coalition over the South China Sea with the ministerial meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum as a momentum.

It is an invariable strategy of the U.S. to contain the big powers in Asia-Pacific such as China and dominate the world.

The U.S. massively hurled its naval forces into the waters of the South China Sea, impertinently meddling in its issue and made public the decision to deploy THAAD in south Korea. It is quite natural that those moves of the U.S. heightened China's vigilance against them.

Rice's recent visit to China was a clumsy and mean one aimed to calm down China whose nerves were rattled by the U.S. interference in the issue of the South China Sea and its decision on THAAD deployment and conceal the contradiction between the U.S. and China.

Contrary to the U.S. statement, China reiterated its existing stance on the issue of the South China Sea and THAAD deployment, warned the U.S. of its tendency towards regional hegemony and moves to escalate the military tension and clarified the stand to strongly react to them.

In the final analysis, Rice's China visit ended in "sightseeing tour".

Now is the time for the U.S. to realize that its trite diplomacy will get it nowhere as it pursues hegemony as means of its existence.

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