calendar>>July 30. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Forces' Ambition for "Having North Abandon Its Nukes" Accused
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- Yun Pyong Se, puppet minister of Foreign Affairs of south Korea, addressing the ministerial meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum held in Laos recently, termed the DPRK's step for bolstering up its military capabilities for self-defense a "provocation" and blustered that "it is necessary to send concerted and strong message to end an evil cycle of provocation and threat." During the meeting he was closeted with his U.S. and Japanese masters at which he cried out for "intensified cooperation in denuclearizing the north" and "resolution on pressurizing the north." He went the lengths of visiting this or that person to make mischief to hurt the DPRK.

Rodong Sinmun Saturday in a commentary ridicules it as a pitiful wriggling to keep cooperation in putting pressure on the DPRK that has faced bankruptcy.

As recognized at home and abroad, it is none other than the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces that disturb peace and stability on the Korean peninsula through their ceaseless provocations against the DPRK, the commentary notes, and goes on:

The U.S. "six strategic assets" massively introduced on the Korean peninsula and projected THAAD deployment in south Korea are an undisguised military threat to the DPRK and a grave provocation escalating the tension in Northeast Asia.

Lurking behind "provocation" and "threat" touted by Yun is an aim to shift the blame for the tension on the peninsula on to the DPRK, further intensify cooperation with outside forces in denuclearizing the DPRK and thus realize the ambition for "having the north abandon its nukes."

This fully revealed once again the ugly colors of Yun as a puppet of the U.S.

He eagerly begged for "intensified cooperation to denuclearize the north" in disregard of the nature of the international meeting and object only to invite disgrace and cold treatment.

The Park Geun Hye group should be aware of its pitiful plight, first of all.

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