calendar>>July 30. 2016 Juche 105
VOA on No-THAAD Struggle of S. Koreans
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- VOA introduced the on-going No-THAAD struggle of south Korean people on July 21.

Noting that residents of Songju County, North Kyongsang Province chosen as a site for THAAD staged actions in Seoul on July 21 in protest against the regime's decision to deploy it that threatens their existence, the broadcasting service said:

Peace activists also held a press conference in Seoul to express objection to THAAD deployment.

Opposition party figures are demanding the retraction of the THAAD deployment plan, noting it is nothing beneficial to south Korea.

The residents of the county are concerned about its strong electromagnetic wave which is supposed to have big impact on their health and agricultural production.

They are hardly repressing anger at the projected THAAD deployment.

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