calendar>>July 30. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Body Opposes THAAD Deployment in S. Korea
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- The U.S. Veterans' Organization for Peace released a statement on July 23 to voice opposition to the U.S. and the south Korean regime's decision to deploy THAAD.

The statement said the U.S. and the south Korean regime are justifying the decision to deploy THAAD in south Korea under the pretext of "nuclear and missile threats" from the DPRK but its main purpose is to neutralize the military potentials of Russia and China and dominate the region, not to defend south Korea.

Recalling the claim made by a U.S. institute that THAAD to be deployed in south Korea would be ineffective in intercepting medium-range missiles of the DPRK, the statement said the south Korean regime is in a position to pay a huge amount of money for the deployment of THAAD which is of no help to its self-defence.

The decision to deploy THAAD will only screw up military tension on the Korean peninsula and in the region as it is a clear provocation against the DPRK and its neighboring countries, and will spark a new arms race, it added.

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