calendar>>July 26. 2016 Juche 105
Heroism Displayed by KPA Soldiers during the Korean War
Pyongyang, July 26 (KCNA) -- The history of the Korean War in the 1950s recorded a lot of heroic battles fought by soldiers of the Korean People's Army (KPA) against the U.S. imperialist aggressors.

One of them was the Wolmi Islet battle between a KPA coast artillery company and the 50 000-strong U.S. forces in the West Sea of Korea in September Juche 39 (1950). Wolmi Islet, off Inchon, covers an area of 0.66 square kilometers, with its coastline extending 4 kilometers.

At that time, the KPA coast artillery company, whose commander was in his 20s, was defending the islet only with four artillery pieces.

To seize this islet for landing in Inchon, the U.S. mobilized at least 1 000 warplanes and 300 warships with 50 000 troops.

During the fierce battle, the islet was engulfed in flames by the U.S. bombing and shelling, but the company soldiers fought heroically to the last man.

In the three-day battle, the company sank or destroyed 13 enemy warships, including three destroyers and delayed the U.S. forces' Inchon landing operation, thus greatly contributing to the implementation of the second-stage war strategic policy set forth by KPA Supreme Commander Kim Il Sung.

When inspecting Cho Islet in November 1996, leader Kim Jong Il said that the mass heroism and indomitable self-sacrificing spirit, displayed by the defenders of Wolmi Islet, came from their intense loyalty to the Party and the leader and their steadfast faith that the motherland precisely means Supreme Commander Kim Il Sung.

Their noble spirit remains still in the hearts of the servicepersons and civilians of the DPRK as the unshakable faith that their motherland precisely means supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

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