calendar>>July 22. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of Democratic Front for Reunification of Korea Marked
Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the People's Palace of Culture Thursday to mark the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea (DFRK).

The DFRK formed by President Kim Il Sung is a nationwide united front umbrella which most correctly reflects the common desire of the patriotic and democratic political parties, public organizations and people from all walks of life in the north and the south and abroad to establish the sovereignty of the nation throughout Korea and achieve the cause of national reunification by the concerted efforts of all the Koreans and the requirements of the developing revolution.

Present at the meeting were Kim Yong Nam, Kim Ki Nam, Ro Tu Chol, the chairman of the C.C., the Korean Social Democratic Party, presidium members of the C.C., the DFRK, officials of public organizations, ministries and national institutions, officials concerned, former unconverted long-term prisoners, working people in Pyongyang and overseas Koreans.

Kim Ki Nam, member of the Political Bureau and vice-chairman of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, made a report at the meeting.

The formation of the DFRK by Kim Il Sung 70 years ago was a historic event which provided an epochal occasion in preventing the perpetuation of territorial division by outsiders, achieving the complete independence and sovereignty of the nation and reunifying the country, the reporter said.

He noted that Kim Il Sung put forward the original idea and line on forming a democratic and national united front grouping the patriotic and democratic political parties and public organizations and people of all social standings and convened the Meeting of Representatives of the Democratic Political Parties and Pubic Organizations in North Korea in Pyongyang on July 22, Juche 35 (1946).

In view of the grave crisis in which the territorial division and national split might be prolonged due to the moves of the U.S. imperialists and the Synman Rhee puppet clique to fabricate "separate elections and separate government" which might lead to ruin, Kim Il Sung held the Joint Conference of Representatives of Political Parties and Public Organizations in North and South Korea, a historic assembly of all parties, factions and figures of the north and the south, in Pyongyang in April 1948, the reporter said.

He noted that Kim Il Sung convened a meeting to be attended by representatives of more than 70 political parties and public organizations in the north and the south and abroad on June 26, 1949 and made sure that the nationwide DFRK was formed, thus providing a sure guarantee for developing the movement for united front onto a higher stage.

Since its formation the DFRK has recorded annals of its proud struggle and victory while powerfully arousing all Koreans to the patriotic struggle for reunification in line with its mission and duty, the reporter said.

The cause of national reunification is sure to win thanks to the outstanding and tested guidance of Marshal Kim Jong Un, the reporter concluded.

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