calendar>>July 22. 2016 Juche 105
Magazine of International Kothongryon Carries Special Write-up on Seventh Congress of WPK
Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- The International United Confederation of Koreans (International Kothongryon) made public the May-June issue of its monthly magazine Thongil.

The magazine carried a special write-up on the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea titled "The WPK, path of victory and glory".

It carried photos dealing with the exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung in founding and developing the party.

It introduced in a chronological order the exploits the President performed by founding the party after the country's liberation and leading all party members and people until the Sixth Congress of the WPK.

It also carried photos of supreme leader Kim Jong Un guiding the Seventh Congress of the WPK and "3. For the Independent Reunification of the Country" from Kim Jong Un's Report to the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea on the Work of the Central Committee and the opening and closing addresses made by him at the congress.

It carried an article titled "Kim Jong Il, immortal exploits performed by him in building the party" on the 52nd anniversary of his start of the work at the Central Committee of the WPK.

It recalled that Kim Jong Un sent educational aid fund and stipends for the democratic national education of the children of Koreans in Japan on the 104th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung.

It edited news that the medium long-range surface-to-surface strategic ballistic rocket Hwasong-10 was successfully conducted under the guidance of Kim Jong Un and foreign press reports on it.

It carried an open letter sent by the North Side Preparatory Committee for the Joint Conference of Political Parties, Organizations and Individual Personages of the North and the South and Abroad for Peace and Independent Reunification of the Korean Peninsula to the organization of Koreans and individual figures in the region of the Commonwealth of Independent States and statements issued by a spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry in denunciation of the U.S. policy for stifling the former.

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