calendar>>July 22. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Adhering to Self-Development-First Principle in 200-Day Campaign
Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Friday in an editorial calls for firmly adhering to the principle of self-development-first in the on-going heroic advance to dynamically usher in a golden age in building a socialist powerful country.

It goes on:

The self-development-first principle represents the revolutionary spirit of strengthening the driving force and paving one's way by depending on one's own efforts, technology and resources.

It reflects the indomitable, offensive and revolutionary idea of our Party and the unbreakable faith of our people.

It is the fundamental requirement for upholding and glorifying the independent revolutionary ideas and exploits of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il to give full rein to the spirit of self-development-first.

The spirit of the great leaders that one is the master of one's own destiny and one should hew out one's destiny by one's own efforts serves as a basic source of training our people to be ones with mental power who know nothing impossible and helping turn the DPRK into an invincible power.

It is an essential requirement for making a breakthrough towards implementing the five-year strategy for national economic development to fully display the spirit of self-development-first.

What is important for carrying out the above-said strategy is to give full rein to the spirit of self-development-first and settle all problems by dint of science and technology.

To fully display the spirit of self-development-first is an important requirement for frustrating the persistent moves of the imperialists and fully demonstrating the Mallima spirit of Juche Korea.

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