calendar>>July 22. 2016 Juche 105
KCTU Enters into General Strike
Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) entered into a large-scale general strike across south Korea on July 20, according to the south Korean internet paper Voice of People.

The workers staged general strike at more than 250 worksites in 14 areas demanding the abrogation of anti-worker policy, stop to suppression of the KCTU, stop to restructuring sacrificing workers, wage-hike and ensuring of the rights of part-time workers, teachers and government employees.

The KCTU held a rally for the general strike with attendance of over 11,000 workers in Seoul.

Choe Jong Jin, acting chairman of the KCTU, said more than 50,000 workers including workers of public institutions, construction and metal fields and part-timers turned out in the general strike, adding that in Ulsan a joint strike is being waged by the branch of the Hyundai Motors of the Metal Workers' Trade Union and the Trade Union of the Hyundai Heavy Industry Co. Ltd.

Jo Sang Su, chairman of the Public Transport Trade Union, warned the Park Geun Hye regime that it would face indefinite general strike of workers in the fields of key industries and public service unless it withdraws the system of paying salaries according to piece rate aimed at illegal layoff by September 27.

The participants moved to the building of the "National Assembly" to hold another rally.

They branded the high-ranking bureaucrats of the "government" and the police, servants of the power, as dogs barking at their owners and the plutocrats as pigs as they betray even the people to meet their interests.

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