calendar>>July 22. 2016 Juche 105
Swiss Bodies Urge U.S. to Drop Foolish Daydream
Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- The Switzerland-Korea Committee and the Swiss Group for the Study of the Juche Idea made public a joint statement on July 14, denouncing the U.S. imperialists' reckless moves to stifle the DPRK.

The statement said the Iraqi war fact-finding committee established by the British government in 2009 released a report proving the illegality and unreasonableness of the Iraqi war launched by the U.S. and that this again shows the U.S. is the root cause of state-sponsored terrorism, human rights abuses and all misfortune in the world.

The statement went on:

The U.S. deserves stern punishment of mankind as a hideous war criminal state and human rights abuser.

But yet, it went so impudent as to hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK over its "human rights issue."

The U.S. is sadly mistaken if it calculates it can invade and bring down the DPRK.

It should get awakened from its foolish dream.

The DPRK would continue bolstering up its war deterrence with nuclear force as pivot.

This would help defend peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

The U.S. should not forget that the DPRK is a nuclear weapons state.

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