calendar>>July 22. 2016 Juche 105
Brazilian Organizations Observe Demise Anniversary of Kim Il Sung
Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- Brazilian organizations posted write-ups on their websites with a portrait of smiling President Kim Il Sung and his photos between July 3 and 8 on the 22nd anniversary of his demise.

The Brazilian Committee for Solidarity with the DPRK posted articles titled "On the 22nd anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung" and "For global independence".

The articles said the Korean people and other progressive people are looking back with deep emotion on the life of the President on July 8, introducing in detail his ideological and theoretical exploits and feats in building the party, state and army.

The Brazilian Center for the Study of the Juche Idea posted articles under the subtitles of "People are heaven and teacher", "Finding himself among the people all his life" and "Father of people" under the headline of "The leader and people".

The articles covered some of the stories about his loving care and devotion to the people to introduce the noble outlook on the people by him who made a long and rough on-the-spot guidance for the people throughout his life.

The Brazilian committee for remembering leader Kim Jong Il said in an article titled "Noble life of a peerlessly great man shining with his last autograph" the autography the President signed on the document related to national reunification during the last moments of his life showed his noble life through which he devoted his all to the cause of national reunification.

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