calendar>>July 21. 2016 Juche 105
Emergency Measure Committee Spokesman Slams Vicious International Terrorism of Park Geun Hye Regime
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Emergency Measure Committee for Rescuing Abducted Persons on Thursday gave the following answer to the question put by KCNA in connection with the fact that the south Korean puppet regime is keeping the women citizens of the DPRK abducted by it away from any contact with outside under the pretext of "personal safety " of the families of the abductees:

Progressive organizations of people from all walks of life in south Korea including the Bar Association for Democratic Society and the office of the UN high commissioner for Human Rights asked for interviews with the abductees of the DPRK, but the puppet regime turned it down under the pretext of "personal safety " of the families of the victims.

Meanwhile, the puppet regime let human scum talk such nonsense that if the "women, who voluntarily defected from the north," are opened to public, their families in the north would be in danger.

What the regime claimed is nothing but sheer sophism to prevent the disclosure of the truth about its thrice-cursed group allurement and abduction of women of the DPRK.

At the families' earnest request, we strongly demanded the south Korean puppet authorities on several occasions allow their families to go to Seoul via Panmunjom to have face-to-face meeting with their children.

The families are now repeatedly calling on the south Korean puppet regime to allow them to meet their children, greatly angered by its continued detention of their children under the pretext of "group defection according to their free will."

This notwithstanding, the puppet group is vocal about "personal safety" of the families of the abductees. This is an intolerable insult to them and cheap propaganda aimed to tarnish the image of the dignified DPRK.

Had the puppet forces not abducted citizens of the DPRK, why would they have failed to make public the fate of the abductees and even refused to meet the request for informal interview with them made by international human rights organizations even today after the lapse of three months since they were taken to south Korea?

As clearly disclosed through the press conference with a stooge of the puppet Intelligence Service who was recently spotted and arrested in the DPRK, the puppet group has gone frantic in its smear campaign against the DPRK while appeasing and deceiving citizens of the DPRK and alluring and abducting them to south Korea and then misleading the public opinion by describing it as "voluntary defection from the north".

The puppet group is resorting to sleight of hand such as "personal safety" of families of abductees in a bid to justify its vicious act of putting them in custody and keeping them away from contact with outside. But it can never cover up its true colors as a group of international terrorists and human rights abusers.

Absolutely unpardonable is the hideous unethical and treacherous crime of the puppet group that is forcing their children to be separated from their parents against their will and seeking to make them fall victim to the farce of confrontation with fellow countrymen in the north.

The puppet group has to immediately stop the unbearable mental and physical persecution of the woman citizens of the DPRK and cruel "defection operation" and send them back to the embrace of the DPRK unconditionally.

We will continue to press for proactive measures to roundly disclose the truth behind the group abduction committed by the puppet group and realize the repatriation of the abductees.

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