calendar>>July 21. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Sends Birthday Spreads to Persons of Distinguished Services
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un sent birthday spreads to Winner of the Kim Il Sung Prize and People's Athlete Choe Suk Myong, director of the Korean Mass Gymnastic Production Company, on her 70th birthday, and Candidate Academician, Prof. and Dr. Jon Chol Rye, researcher of Hamhung University of Hydraulic Engineering, and Dr. and Associate Prof. Kim Jae Bom, teacher of Hamhung University of Medicine, who are merited scientists, on their 80th birthdays.

Choe Suk Myong grown to be a mass gymnastic producer under the trust and love of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il devoted her wisdom and efforts to producing and disseminating art works of national treasure.

She received commendation from the President in January, Juche 62 (1973) when she was in her twenties. She made contribution to producing monumental works including the grand mass gymnastics and artistic performance "Arirang," a winner of the Kim Il Sung Prize.

Jon Chol Rye was born in a remote northern mountainous village. He grew to be a prestigious scientist in the field of hydraulic engineering of the country under the care of the President after the country's liberation.

He devoted himself to science and education and produced valuable research successes conducive to building hydro-power station and reclaiming tideland.

Kim Jae Bom, who was born into a family of a poor farmer in Suan County before the liberation of the country, had his hope to learn fully realized under the care of the Workers' Party of Korea and dedicated himself to the study of medical science and research and education for the rising generation.

For more than five decades, he solved the scientific and technical problems conducive to promoting the health of the people, wrote tens of kinds of textbooks and reference books and cultivated holders of academic degrees and titles.

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