calendar>>July 21. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye's Anti-DPRK Remarks at Asia-Europe Summit Slammed
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- Park Geun Hye at the recent Asia-European summit in Mongolia cried out for "denuclearization of the north" and "right changes." She made mean solicitation for "enforcement of sanctions measures".

A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country of the DPRK in a statement Thursday dismissed her recent despicable behavior as just a repetition of her sickening conduct which the international community is used to witness during her every foreign trip as it only disclosed once again the true nature of confrontation-minded woman steeped in inveterate repugnancy and hostility toward her fellow countrymen in the north to the marrow of her bones.

She has made over 20 foreign tours since she took power during which she spouted stereo-typed confrontational rhetoric hurting her fellow countrymen in the north and made a spectacle of herself, clean indifferent who the opposite party is and what the agenda item is to be discussed, the statement said, and went on:

But no matter how mischievous Park may become, the nuclear deterrence of the DPRK for self-defence has been remarkably bolstered to be a treasured sword meeting the desperate challenge of the hostile forces and firmly guaranteeing the sovereignty and dignity of the nation and a powerful weapon for ensuring peace and stability in Northeast Asia, to say nothing of the Korean peninsula. What's more, the international "cooperation" which Park has touted so vociferously is now proving more bankrupt than ever before. This is a hard reality today.

As a matter of fact, the recent trip of Park must be called the one to escape protest of the south Koreans angered by the humiliating decision to deploy THAAD and to evade public criticism.

Traitor Park roamed about abroad like a rabid dog while slandering her fellow countrymen after reducing south Korea to a mayhem. She is a trouble-maker and malignant tumor which all the Koreans in the north and the south and abroad have to eliminate at an early date.

So pitiful is Park as she makes desperate efforts to do harm to her fellow countrymen, touring this or that country, being unaware of how much the international community snubs and rejects her.

Great irony is that Park who is finding herself in the abyss of ruin, being driven into a tight corner inside and outside, openly revealed her attempt at "unification through absorption" while making such remarks that "unification is the way of recovering freedom and human rights of someone and a starting point in building a world without nuclear weapons", being unaware of where she stands.

Should the puppet group ignite a nuclear war against the DPRK with the backing of the U.S. while dreaming of "achieving the unification of social systems", we will mercilessly wipe out the provocateurs through a great and just war for reunification and achieve reunification of our own style. This is our firm stand.

It is quite natural that the south Koreans today are strongly demanding Park step down as early as possible before the nation faces greater disaster, saying it is sickening to have just a glance at her.

What awaits Park adding to her high treasons is only a stern punishment by history, warned the statement.

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