calendar>>July 21. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Denounces S. Korean Regime's THAAD Deployment as Act of Toeing U.S. Strategy of Hegemony
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet authorities' decision to deploy THAAD in south Korea is a reckless act of driving the north-south relations and situation on the Korean peninsula into the extreme phase of tension and a treacherous act of leaving the peninsula as a theatre of nuclear war of big powers, pursuant to the U.S. strategy for world domination. Rodong Sinmun Thursday says this in an article.

Noting that the north-south relations are now at rock- bottom, the article goes on:

It is as clear as noonday that the reckless move to deploy THAAD at a time when distrust and confrontation between the north and the south reached an extreme phase would escalate the military tension on the Korean peninsula to the worst phase and drive the situation to the brink of a war.

The south Korean authorities claim that THAAD does not target the third country but is aimed at coping with "nuclear and missile threat from the north." However, it is sheer sophism.

As recognized by public at home and abroad, THAAD deployment in south Korea is to meet the U.S. strategic purpose to hold supremacy in Northeast Asia and contain countries around the Korean peninsula with a military edge.

The Park Geun Hye group is playing the role of dirty lackeys in carrying out in the U.S. strategy for hegemony without any principle. It is the act of unhesitatingly sacrificing the interests of the Korean nation.

Only stern punishment by the times and the nation awaits those who are resorting to sycophancy towards the U.S. and treachery, going against the will and demand of the people.

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