calendar>>July 21. 2016 Juche 105
British Organization Praises Kim Jong Un
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- The British Association for the Study of Songun Policy posted an article titled "Great General Kim Jong Un" on its website on July 15, illustrated with his photo.

Four years have passed since Kim Jong Un, tender-hearted father of the Korean nation and the great guardian of world peace and justice, was awarded the title of the DPRK Marshal, the article said.

The past four years were the glorious days during which the Korean people have achieved victories and demonstrated honor under the guidance of the iron-willed brilliant commander by smashing every desperate move of the world reactionaries to destroy the fortress of independence and justice unique on the earth, the article noted, adding:

The U.S.-led imperialists standing on the beeline of ruin are making a last-ditch offensive against socialist Korea.

Dark clouds of nuclear war gathered over the small Korean peninsula many times but they couldn't cover the blue sky of the DPRK.

The great brilliant commander who leads Korea of justice always won one victory after another.

Therefore, the Korean people are leading a proud life as independent guards bringing hope to the world people languishing under the imperialist tyranny as they uphold Kim Jong Un as their leader and father.

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