calendar>>July 16. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Students Protest THAAD Deployment
Pyongyang, July 16 (KCNA) -- Students of south Korea launched a 48-hour sit-in strike outside the Ryongsan U.S. military base in Seoul on July 15 in protest against the deployment of THAAD, according to Voice of People, an internet paper of south Korea.

Earlier, they held a press conference.

They denounced the decision of the U.S. and the puppet regime to deploy THAAD, holding slogan boards opposing THAAD deployment.

In a press release they said that it is impossible to risk the people's life for the sake of the U.S. forces.

They will continue fighting against THAAD deployment which will bring the danger of a war to the Korean peninsula and serious economic bankruptcy with the sit-in strike protesting against the unilateral decision to deploy THAAD as a prelude, the press release noted.

It said that they would stage the above-said strike demanding the withdrawal of the decision of THAAD deployment and conduct information service for letting people know about the danger of the deployment outside the Ryongsan U.S. military base for two days.

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