calendar>>July 16. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Online Paper Reveals Danger of THAAD Deployment in S. Korea
Pyongyang, July 16 (KCNA) -- An editorial laying bear the dangerous nature of the deployment of THAAD was posted on Minjok Ilbo, south Korean online paper, on July 13.

The editorial said no sooner had the Defense Ministry announced the decision on deploying THAAD in Songju County, North Kyongsang Province, south Korea than it faced a strong protest from the local residents.

The decision on the site for THAAD is increasing the danger of a war on the Korean peninsula, the editorial noted, and continued:

THAAD targeting the north and irritating the neighboring countries is harmful to national reunification and peace in Northeast Asia.

The decision made in favor of the U.S. brings to light the Park Geun Hye regime's sycophancy towards the U.S.

What is necessary for durable peace on the peninsula is the conclusion of a peace treaty, not deployment of THAAD.

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