calendar>>July 16. 2016 Juche 105
Nullification of Decision on Deploying THAAD in S. Korea Demanded
Pyongyang, July 16 (KCNA) -- Protest against the authorities' decision to choose Songju County in North Kyongsang Province as a site for THAAD to be deployed is running high in south Korea.

The governor of North Kyongsang Province said on July 13 he couldn't understand the course and procedures to decide to deploy THAAD in Songju County.

The governor urged the "government" to get the understanding and agreement of the residents of the county and take a relevant step of meeting their demand, taking into full consideration of the losses and discomfort the deployment would bring to the residents and the difficulties it would cause to local economy.

The lawmakers in the province said the authorities' decision provoked a great anger among the local residents as it was made without any prior consultation and agreement with them.

They demanded the authorities revoke the decision for the lack of its convincing procedures, declaring it null and void.

The Seoul mayor accused at a meet-the press that the deployment of the THAAD, fatal to the security and economy in south Korea, was unilaterally decided in camera.

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