calendar>>July 16. 2016 Juche 105
U.S., S. Korean Puppet Forces Can Never Conceal Their True Colors as Nuclear Criminals: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, July 16 (KCNA) -- With nothing can the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces conceal their true colors as the criminals that have increased the danger of a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia century after century.

Rodong Sinmun Saturday says this in an article.

The U.S. has long turned south Korea into a nuclear outpost for invading the DPRK and worked with bloodshot eyes to realize its ambition for invading the DPRK and Northeast Asia with nukes, the article notes, and goes on:

The racket of nuclear threat kicked up by the U.S. against the DPRK is an unpardonable criminal act of blocking the way of peace and reunification while gravely threatening the peace on the Korean peninsula.

The struggle of the Koreans for peace and reunification of the country has faced big difficulties, the efforts of the DPRK to hold dialogue and mend the relations between the north and the south have not borne fruits and dark clouds of a nuclear war are heavily hanging over the Korean peninsula due to the madcap moves of the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces to ignite a nuclear war against the DPRK.

History and reality clearly prove how just the DPRK was when it has had access to a nuclear deterrence for self-defense and bolstered it up in every way to cope with the reckless nuclear threat of the U.S. and its followers.

Nevertheless, the U.S. and the Park Geun Hye group are kicking up the nuclear ruckus against the DPRK while shelving their thrice-cursed nuclear crimes. This is the height of shamelessness.

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