calendar>>July 10. 2016 Juche 105
CPRC Spokesman Slams Park Geun Hye's Remarks on "Possible Terrorism of North"
Pyongyang, July 10 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country of the DPRK Sunday gave an answer to the question put by KCNA as regards the fact that the Park Geun Hye group is vociferating about the "possible terrorism of the north" in a bid to escalate the confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north.

Park blustered at a "state council meeting" in Chongwadae on July 4 that "nowhere is safe from terrorism", "the north is attempting to perpetrate various forms of terrorism in an effort to cause conflict in the south Korean society" and "it is necessary to cope with the situation from the viewpoint that the north's terrorist act is imminent."

Earlier, the puppet prime minister of south Korea at the first meeting of the "State Measure Committee to Prevent Terrorism" raved that "there is concern that the north may abduct south Koreans abroad or use an international terrorist organization for committing terrorism" and "such sign had already been detected long ago."

The spokesman said that the fiction about "the north's terrorism" floated by the south Korean puppet regime is another grave politically-motivated provocation and a heinous action to ratchet up the confrontation with the DPRK.

He went on:

The "possible terrorism of the north" much touted by the puppet regime while talking about "relations with an international terrorist organization" is nothing but sheer sophism intended to divert the public criticism of it to the DPRK.

The Park regime is the kingpin of terrorism and a group of unethical crimes hell-bent on faking up heinous terrorist organizations such as the "association for bringing down statues" and on infiltrating spies and saboteurs into the DPRK in a bid to insult its dignity and bring down its social system.

No matter how vociferously the puppet regime may trumpet about the "possible terrorism of the north", no one will be taken in by such poor plot and ridiculous rigmarole and with nothing can it conceal its despicable true colors as terrorists and abductors hell-bent on the operations to do harm to the fellow countrymen and fascist suppression.

The puppet regime should clearly understand that its base burlesque to bring the charge of "terrorism" to the DPRK would only invite a stern judgment by all Koreans.

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