calendar>>July 10. 2016 Juche 105
Koreans in Japan Support DPRK's Proposal for Holding Great National Conference for Reunification
Pyongyang, July 10 (KCNA) -- The Federation of south Koreans in Japan for Democracy and Reunification released a statement on July 7 in support of the DPRK's proposal for holding a great national conference for reunification.

The requirement of the times and the nation are reflected in the proposal made by the north as it calls upon the political parties, organizations and individuals from the north and the south and abroad to meet at one place before and after August 15 this year to hold a joint conference and have a candid discussion on the peaceful reunification of the country in the spirit of By Our Nation Itself, the statement noted.

Reflected in the proposal of the north is the urgency and validity of national reunification any member of the nation cannot deny, it said.

It noted that the federation would fully support the north's proposal and work hard to hold the joint conference.

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