calendar>>July 10. 2016 Juche 105
Koreans in Germany Favor DPRK's Proposal for Holding Great National Conference for Reunification
Pyongyang, July 10 (KCNA) -- The Society for Cooperation among Koreans in Germany issued a statement on July 1 to support the proposal of the joint conference of the DPRK government, political parties and organizations on holding a great national conference for reunification on the upcoming 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation.

The great national conference for reunification proposed by the north side on June 9 is the most appropriate step for practical actions to implement the June 15 joint declaration, the statement said.

It positively supported the great national conference for reunification, convinced that it is the best way of saving the north-south relations from catastrophe and promoting the peace and reunification of the nation.

It said that the society would strive to successfully hold the historic great national conference.

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