calendar>>July 10. 2016 Juche 105
Newspapers Blast Park Geun Hye's Confrontational Remarks
Pyongyang, July 10 (KCNA) -- The DPRK's leading newspapers on Sunday carry commentaries blasting south Korean chief executive Park Geun Hye for spouting a flurry of provocative remarks against the DPRK.

Park at a "state council meeting" in Chongwadae on July 4 blustered that the DPRK's line of simultaneously developing the two fronts is bound to fail, crying out for boosting the "cooperation with the international community" to force the "north to dismantle its nukes and effect changes" and "maintaining a perfect posture to react to the north."

In addition, Park at a luncheon with riff-raffs of the "General Federation for Freedom" termed the DPRK's self-defensive deterrence a "threat" and made such disgusting remarks that her regime "has made efforts for peace" and "it is deplorable that the July 4 joint statement has not been properly implemented."

Rodong Sinmun observes in this regard: What Park uttered is nothing but a desperate effort of the poor old woman to save the "cooperation in pressurizing the north" from bankruptcy as she is seized with such noctambulism of confrontation that she failed to notice the radical change in the DPRK's strategic position and the trend of the times.

The DPRK is dynamically advancing under the banner of the Juche-oriented line of simultaneously developing the two fronts despite the vicious obstructions of the hostile forces. It has emerged a nuclear power in the East.

However, traitor Park is still frantically kicking up the anti-DPRK nuclear racket backed by outside forces, reeling off a spate of sheer sophism in utter disregard of this hard reality.

She is working hard to bear the brunt of the campaign to prevent the anti-DPRK "sanctions" from going bust but in vain.

Her reckless remarks are a revelation of a cynic ploy to conceal the anti-reunification crimes the south Korean puppet group perpetrated by violating the precious agreements common to the nation, escape the domestic and foreign criticism of their confrontational moves and pass the buck for the catastrophic inter-Korean relations to the DPRK.

Minju Joson warns that the accusation made by Park against the DPRK with frowning face would precipitate her doom.

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