calendar>>July 10. 2016 Juche 105
British Body Sees Ensuring Peace on Korean Peninsula as Prerequisite for Korea's Reunification
Pyongyang, July 10 (KCNA) -- The British Association for the Study of Songun Policy posted an article titled "Ensuring peace on the Korean peninsula is a prerequisite for reunification of Korea" on its website on June 29.

The article quoted Kim Jong Un as saying at the podium of the historic Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea that ensuring peace and security on the Korean peninsula is an issue vital to the destiny of the Korean nation and an essential prerequisite for the country's reunification.

Improvement of the inter-Korean relations and independent and peaceful reunification of Korea are impossible under the present situation on the peninsula in which tension and danger of a nuclear war prevail, the article noted.

The independent and peaceful reunification of Korea can be achieved only when the military stand-off and danger of war are defused and peace and security are ensured on the peninsula, the article asserted, adding:

The U.S. and the south Korean rulers have challenged the DPRK's efforts for peace, seriously harassing the peace and security on the peninsula with their reckless war moves against the DPRK for the past decades.

The successive ruling quarters in south Korea have resorted to the ceaseless war moves against the DPRK to realize their wild ambition for "unification of social systems" in concert with the outsiders.

Especially, the present south Korean ruling quarters malign the DPRK's nuclear deterrent, a treasured sword for ensuring peace on the peninsula and protecting the Korean nation, while ramping up their moves to ignite a new war in conspiracy with the U.S. under the pretext of coping with it.

The world progressives should turn out as one in the anti-war peace struggle to prevent the U.S. and south Korean authorities from staging provocative joint military drills against the DPRK and building up arms.

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