calendar>>July 10. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Praised by Personages of Guinea, Bangladesh
Pyongyang, July 10 (KCNA) -- Personages of Guinea and Bangladesh issued statements on July 3 and 5 on the 22nd anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.

Riyad Chaloub, chairman of the Guinean National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, said that the Korean people and the world progressives were looking back with deep emotion on the life of Kim Il Sung who performed immortal exploits before the history and humankind with his outstanding ideology and theory and gigantic revolutionary practice.

He built the socialist state centred on the masses in the DPRK and made great contributions to the cause of national reunification and the cause of global independence with his outstanding leadership, the chairman said, and went on:

He is a tender-hearted father of the people who shared destiny with them, finding himself among them all his life, the most outstanding leader who represented the 20th century and a peerlessly great sage.

Though he passed away, his idea and cause are being carried forward century after century.

We followers of the Juche idea will make a positive contribution to the cause of global independence by conducting brisk activities for studying and disseminating great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism in the future, too.

MD. Harun-Ar-Rashid, chairman of the Bangladesh-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Committee, praised Kim Il Sung for performing immortal exploits by providing a genuine guiding idea in the era of independence, defeating U.S. and Japanese imperialism in one generation and building a true socialist system under which the people became masters.

Kim Il Sung is always alive in the hearts of mankind as he dedicated himself to the reunification of the country and the socialist construction and the victorious advance of the cause of human independence, he stressed.

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