calendar>>July 4. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Implementing Independent Revolutionary Line and Methods of Great Leaders
Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Monday in an editorial says that the DPRK which is highly dignified with Juche and strong with Songun is an invincible power emerging victorious thanks to the independent revolutionary line and methods clarified by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

They were the peerless political elders who led the Korean revolution to victory, pursuant to the independent revolutionary line and methods, the editorial says, adding:

They solved all problems arising in carrying out the socialist cause in an independent way in conformity with the requirements of the Korean revolution, the interests of the Korean people and the specific conditions of the country, while maintaining the transparent revolutionary stand that one should carry out one's revolution in a responsible manner.

To thoroughly embody their independent revolutionary line and methods is a sure guarantee for accelerating the final victory of the socialist cause of Juche.

The socialist cause of Juche is sure to triumph as the independent revolutionary line and methods of the great leaders inspire our party and people to a dynamic struggle.

The outstanding idea and line for independent reunification, fair proposals for national reunification set forth by the great leaders and the immortal Songun revolutionary feats performed by them serve as an immortal banner to foil the moves of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad, accelerate the country's reunification and reliably preserve global peace and security.

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un is an outstanding leader of our party and people who has led the cause of the Juche revolution, the cause of the Songun revolution to one victory after another, true to the noble intention and immortal revolutionary feats of the great leaders.

The editorial calls upon all Koreans to get united close around Kim Jong Un and dynamically advance along the road of independence, Songun and socialism indicated by the great leaders.

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