calendar>>June 26. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Blasts Park Geun Hye's Anti-DPRK Remarks
Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- At the "state council meeting" on June 21 Park Geun Hye, puppet chief executive of south Korea, cried out for "taking thoroughgoing measures", while talking nonsense that "the north attempts at abduction and terrorism" and "it is possible that it has relations with international terrorist organization".

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Sunday terms this a revelation of the persecution mania of a psychopathic case crazy to escalate confrontation with fellow countrymen.

The puppet forces of south Korea are the arch criminal of abduction and terrorism, the commentary says, and goes on:

The puppet Intelligence Service of south Korea allured and abducted a group of DPRK citizens abroad in April, an unprecedented heinous terrorist act in the history of inter-Korean relations and a grave politically-motivated provocation against the DPRK.

Koreans in south Korea and overseas are becoming increasingly vocal in calling for probing the truth about the crime and punishing its prime movers while hardly repressing the astonishment at the south Korean puppet conservative authorities' hideous abduction of DPRK citizens. Upset by this, the puppet forces are making sophism-like remarks about "possibility of the north's terrorism" while floating rumor that the DPRK seems to be related to international terrorist organization in a bid to escape criticism and denunciation against them and get rid of a dilemma.

But no one will turn an ear to such nonsense. This will only more saliently reveal the despicable colors of the puppet forces as kingpin of conspiracy and fabrication and maniacs of confrontation with fellow countrymen.

The south Korean chief executive had better bear in mind that she will be forced to pay dearly for her tongue-lashing.

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