calendar>>June 26. 2016 Juche 105
British Party, Organizations Stage Demo in Protest against S. Korean Puppet Forces' Inhumane Act
Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- British progressive political party and organizations staged a protest demonstration outside the south Korean puppet embassy in London on June 17 in demand of the repatriation of citizens of the DPRK who were allured and abducted to south Korea.

Personages and members of the New Communist Party of Britain, the British Association for the Study of Songun Policy, the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and the Korean Friendship Association UK took part in the demonstration.

The chairman of the British Association for the Study of Songun Policy condemned the Park Geun Hye group of south Korea for committing unprecedented heinous international terrorist act of alluring and abducting citizens of the DPRK in group.

He said that right after the occurrence of the incident the DPRK bitterly denounced the brutal act of the puppet group and demanded the south Korean authorities and red cross body immediately and unconditionally send back the abductees, severely punish those who were involved in the abduction or let them appear in the court of the DPRK and take a practical measure so that families of the abductees may go to south Korea and meet their daughters.

Nevertheless, the Park group flatly denied the just demand of the DPRK by spouting ridiculous sophism, he said, adding:

The south Korean authorities are keeping the abductees in solitary cells away from contact with outside and forcing "defection" upon them. They also blocked all the channels to prevent any secret from leaking.

The south Korean authorities should take a measure to meet the just demand of the families of the victims, though belatedly.

They should make an apology for the unprecedented allurement and abduction and send back the citizens of the DPRK to their homeland without delay.

All the progressives of Britain demand the south Korean authorities directly show the situation of those abductees.

The demonstrators distributed leaflets revealing the criminal act of the south Korean authorities to Londoners and called for solidarity.

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