calendar>>June 24. 2016 Juche 105
Precautionary Measures Taken for Rainy Season in DPRK
Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- The area south of the central eastern and western coasts will witness heavy rain with rainy season to start in Korea from mid-July, according to a weather forecast.

In this regard, measures have been taken to prevent damages in the season.

Regarding the prevention of damages caused by flood, rainy wind and typhoon as an important work to protect land and do farming well, all units in the DPRK are making necessary measures for the season.

Power stations and transformer substations, including the Pukchang Thermal Power Complex, have checked up lightening rods for power-generating facilities and electric transmission systems.

The Kaechon Area Coal-Mining Complex, the Komdok Mining Complex and other collieries and mines are preparing drain pumps and motors for immediate operation.

It has also been pushed forward to reinforce railroads and railway structures and build or repair revetments in dangerous places.

In rural areas, such measures are being taken as checkup of pumping stations and culverts and reinforcement of waterways and river embankments.

Meanwhile, deep attention is paid to supplying drinking water in rainy season.

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