calendar>>June 22. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Slams S. Korean Regime's Moves to Label DPRK Mastermind of "Cyber Terrorism"
Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- The south Korean conservative regime is busy conducting false propaganda against the DPRK, charging it with "cyber terrorism."

To cite a typical example, the south Korean puppet police are claiming "the north hacked into information related to national defense" and "the north seems to have long geared up for an attempt at cyber terrorism."

Commenting on this, Minju Joson Wednesday says:

The above-said moves of the south Korean regime is nothing but hysteric fit of those hell-bent on escalating confrontation with the DPRK as it is another unpardonable provocation against the DPRK.

Lurking behind the regime's desperate bid to charge the DPRK with "cyber terrorism" is a cynical ploy to cover up its sinister purpose.

South Korea earned an ill-fame as the world's worst hotbed of cyber terrorism.

The south Korean regime is, however, working hard to label the DPRK a cyber terrorist. This proves that the regime stoops to any infamy to block the advance of the DPRK winning a victory after another and stifle it.

The conservative regime's groundless trumpeting about "the north's cyber terrorism" to get rid of the abyss of uneasiness and quagmire would only trigger off the domestic and foreign public's stronger protest and denunciation of those hell-bent on confrontation with the compatriots in the north.

The regime had better behave itself, bearing in mind that its false propaganda would only bring it the miserable fate of perishing in the trap dug by itself.

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