calendar>>June 14. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Blasts S. Korean Authorities' "Diplomacy for Pressurizing North"
Pyongyang, June 14 (KCNA) -- The south Korean conservative ruling forces are staging such burlesque as "diplomacy for pressurizing the north" while bluffing that they "would concentrate all efforts on isolating the north in the international community." The main player is none other than the boss of Chongwadae and the puppet ministers and vice-ministers of foreign affairs and defense are echoing her outbursts by conducting "diplomatic offensive" of their own style.

Commenting on this, Minju Joson Tuesday says this proves that the puppet forces have not yet awakened from the wild dream of "making the social system in the north collapse," their long-harbored scenario.

The historic declaration that was made at the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea, promising the prosperity of the great Paektusan nation has aroused great repercussion among Koreans and the world people, the commentary notes, and goes on:

However, only the south Korean conservative ruling forces are beating harder the worn-out drum of confrontation with the north, persistently swimming quite contrary to the trend of the times toward dialogue and peace. This proves that the conservative forces' burlesque of "diplomacy for pressurizing the north" has reached the zenith.

The south Korean authorities' above-said farce is no more than a childish act of an imbecile unaware of where he stands, being seized by the wild ambition to force the "north to dismantle its nukes."

The south Korean authorities' farce is the last-ditch efforts to escape their final ruin as they are sustaining repeated setbacks in the confrontation with the DPRK and it is, at the same time, little short of pricking one's own eyes and strangling one's own neck.

No matter how frantically the puppet forces may resort to the farce of "diplomacy for pressurizing the north" and confrontation racket under the pretext of its nuclear issue, they can never deter the DPRK from making a dynamic advance while demonstrating the might of a nuclear power along the road of simultaneous development of the two fronts.

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