calendar>>June 13. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Slams U.S. Anachronistic Policy of Strength
Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is getting ever more frantic in its moves to develop ultra-modern weapons despite the opposition and rebuff by the international community.

The U.S. recently opened to public the test of new electromagnetic-orbit gun (Electromagnetic Railgun) in the wake of its long-diving test of the double-mode submarine not long ago.

Electromagnetic Railgun which fires a shell without powder explosion by using the character of the electromagnetic field was developed by the U.S. Navy with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. It is a weapon of mass destruction as it is called a "weapon capable of intercepting missiles of China and Russia" in the territory of the U.S.

The U.S. frantic development of the above-said weapons amid global nuclear arms race is a revelation of its anachronistic policy of strength to contain its major rivals with an unchallenged military edge and prevent its position as a "superpower" from sinking.

It is long since the position of the U.S. as the "only superpower in the world" sank owing to its criminal moves for world domination.

When the U.S. was saddled with huge national debt and in the grip of the crisis caused by economic slump due to its reckless "anti-terrorism war" and moves for establishing the system of unipolar domination, the Asia-Pacific region rapidly emerged a hub of world development in the 21st century.

The U.S. should have given up its ambition for domination which is precipitating its doom.

However, it is foolishly trying to contain China making rapid economic growth in Asia and Russia which recovered the position as a power and to dominate the Asia-Pacific region, far from drawing a lesson from its difficult position, blinded by its scenario for world domination.

Against this backdrop the U.S. came out with the pivot to Asia-Pacific strategy in which it adopted large-scale arms build-up in the region as its policy. It is part of its scenario for carrying out this strategy to step up the development of ultra-modern weapons while modernizing nuclear weapons.

This is clearly proved by the fact that on Feb. 25 the U.S. deputy secretary of Defense blustered that in the wake of test-fire of ICBM Minuteman 3, it was aimed to send a message that the weapon is capable of making a nuclear strike at big powers in the Asia-Pacific region, and U.S. reptile media are billing the electromagnetic-orbit gun as a "weapon of dream" for containing Russia and China.

It is as clear as pikestaff that the arms race and political and military tension are bound to escalate in the Asia-Pacific region due to the U.S. development of WMDs and arms build-up.

The U.S. policy of strength remains unchanged. Consequently, the moves for multi-polarization against it are sure to be stepped up.

It is self-evident that the U.S. ridiculous policy of strength can never help realize its "dream" of conquering the world.

The U.S. anachronistic strategy for domination is bound to go bust.

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