calendar>>June 13. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Denounces S. Korean Ruling Forces for Tightening Military Nexus with Outsiders
Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- There took place recently military authorities' talks among south Korea, the U.S. and Japan in Singapore. Han Min Gu, puppet minister of Defense of south Korea, agreed with his U.S. and Japanese masters to further the "thorough-going enforcement of sanctions against the north and close cooperation for forcing the north to dismantle nuclear program," branding the DPRK's measure for strengthening its nuclear deterrence as "violation of resolution on sanctions." Meanwhile, they also discussed expanding the "sharing of military information about the north" with the upcoming U.S.-Japan-south Korea joint ballistic missile defense exercise as an occasion, vociferating about the "need for cooperation to cope with nuclear and missile threats from the north."

Rodong Sinmun Monday says in a commentary in this regard:

This is the dangerous military conspiracy between the masters and servant and a traitorous act to hurt the fellow countrymen in the north in collusion with outside forces.

This clearly revealed once again the despicable nature of the south Korean puppet ruling quarters running amuck with the north-south confrontation and the moves to ignite a war against the north, while clinging to the coattails of outsiders with their backs turned on the nation.

The U.S. is going to encircle the DPRK with Japan and south Korea as shock brigades and escalate political and military pressure and "sanctions" on the DPRK and thus realize the ambition for invading it. This strategy of the U.S. still remains unchanged. However, the south Korean ruling quarters, poor colonial stooges of the U.S., unhesitatingly are tightening military nexus with the Japanese reactionaries, the sworn enemy of the Korean nation, dancing to the tune of the U.S.

The above-said military authorities' talks among the U.S., Japan and south Korea were the dangerous provocation to cook up as early as possible the triangular military alliance aiming at the invasion of the north under the control of the U.S.

The road for improving the inter-Korean relations is blocked and the danger of the outbreak of a nuclear war increases on the Korean peninsula on a daily basis due to such traitors and confrontational maniacs.

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