calendar>>June 12. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Authorities Urged to Abandon Daydream of "Forcing North to Dismantle Its Nukes"
Pyongyang, June 12 (KCNA) -- Mandarins of the south Korean puppet Foreign Ministry recently visited the headquarters of the European Union to implore it to "sustain harsh sanctions and pressure on the north" so that it may "change its nuclear strategy." They flew to Japan to beg for "strict enforcement of sanctions against the north." Foreign Minister Yun Pyong Se blustered that his upcoming foreign tour would provide an occasion of giving momentum to "the diplomacy for pressurizing the north."

Rodong Sinmun Sunday observes in a commentary in this regard:

The service personnel and people of the DPRK are not so feeble-minded as to abandon their faith and choice, deterred by any "sanctions and pressure." The south Korean puppet authorities are stupid enough to calculate they can seek "the north's dismantlement of nukes" while talking about "change," still failing to properly understand the steadfast will and stand of the DPRK.

They would be well advised to mind its own business as they are facing a total bankruptcy before ridiculously trying to seek the north's "changes" through pressure.

They should bear in mind that no matter how frequently they stage charades to isolate and stifle the DPRK in collusion with outside forces, they will only invite the nation's curse and condemnation and international shame.

If they persist in their anachronistic confrontation with the DPRK, they will face the same severe punishment by the angry Koreans and meet the same miserable end as what their predecessors did.

Their daydream would throw them into a bottomless pitfall and precipitate their self-destruction.

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