calendar>>June 11. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Warmongers Try to Capture Fishing Boats of DPRK in East Sea
Pyongyang, June 11 (KCNA) -- The south Korean warmongers tried to capture the fishing boats of the DPRK in the open sea beyond the East Sea of Korea at about 3 a.m. on June 8.

At that time the two fishing boats were finding the net which had been cut away during the fishing. The south Korean puppet navy warship Kyongbuk secretly appeared near the fishing boats and tried to stop them.

When the fishermen of the DPRK strongly resisted as it was clear that the south Korean bandit-like naval forces were attempting to seize them, they called even a copter and blinded the fishermen by exploding smoke grenades in a bid to block their way. 30 minutes later, another south Korean puppet navy warship Andong joined the operation.

Though the fishermen notified them repeatedly that their boats were returning to their port after fishing operation, the puppet forces attempted to abduct the fishermen at any cost by letting high-speed boats encircle the fishing boats and the copter fly 15 to 20 meters above the sea surface and by firing hundreds of automatic rifle bullets over 20 times.

In the end, they infiltrated even the third warship of the puppet navy in a bid to siege our fishing boats on the three sides and realize their criminal attempt at any cost.

As our fishermen shouted that the brigandish act by the puppet forces were reported to the homeland and the People's Army is coming to save them, while fighting it out against the barbarous military violence by the puppet military gangster, they took to flight.

As their atrocities sparked off the resentment of all fellow countrymen, the south Korean puppet forces went so impudent as to spread a false story that a fishing boat of the north crossed over the extension of the Military Demarcation Line in the waters off Kojin, Kosong of Kangwon Province due to navigation error, and that they "made sure that the fishing boat went back to the north from the humanitarian view of point" at around 07:10 a.m. as the fishermen were confirmed to have had no intention to defect to the south.

It is none other than the Park Geun Hye group of traitors which unhesitatingly commit ferocious gangster-like act to take to south Korea the fishermen of the north who were conducting peaceful fishing operation in the sea in the wake of the allurement of DPRK citizens in broad daylight in a third country.

The south Korean puppet forces have escalated confrontation with fellow countrymen in the waters of the East Sea of Korea this time, not content with escalating military provocations in the ground, seas and air including the areas along the Military Demarcation Line and in the southwestern hotspot waters in a bid to push the north-south relations to the phase of confrontation and conflict. Their hair-raising atrocities can never be pardoned.

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