calendar>>June 10. 2016 Juche 105
Human Rights Abuses Get Evermore Rampant in S. Korean Puppet Army
Pyongyang, June 10 (KCNA) -- Human rights abuses are getting evermore rampant in the south Korean puppet army.

It was disclosed that two officers committed violence against incoming officers in a unit of the puppet army in Kangwon Province of south Korea, according to Yonhap News of south Korea on June 1.

Those officers made nine incoming officers gather in a resting room at 2 a.m. on June 5 last year before threatening them with sticks and throwing desks and chairs at them, wounding them. They beat them at random in the end.

The then battalion commander of the unit had known the fact but covered up the incident and ordered the victims not to report about the violence.

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