calendar>>June 10. 2016 Juche 105
Newspapers Mark Anniversary of June Popular Resistance in S. Korea
Pyongyang, June 10 (KCNA) -- Newspapers of the DPRK on Friday dedicate articles to the 29th anniversary of the June popular resistance in south Korea.

The June popular resistance was the eruption of the pent-up anger of the people at the U.S. imperialist colonial rule and the Chun Doo Hwan military fascist junta, the newspapers say.

Referring to the details of the resistance, the newspapers notes that the resistance clearly proved that nobody can overpower the strength of the popular masses who turned out for justice and truth and that when all the patriotic and democratic forces unite as one and struggle against the force of dictatorship, they will surely win victory.

The newspapers go on:

The resistance, however, taught a serious lesson that in order to win a decisive victory in the struggle for independence, democracy and reunification the south Korean people should not have any expectation and illusion about the fascist dictators but more dynamically struggle until the traitorous ruling quarters are buried to the last man.

This is proved by the events that took place after the resistance, says Rodong Sinmun, adding:

Now the south Korean ruling quarters in the grip of the extreme ruling crisis due to the total bankruptcy of their domestic and foreign policies seek a way out in strengthening the fascist dictatorial system and escalating the confrontation with the north. However, this frenzy would get them nowhere.

The south Korean group of traitors will not be able to escape a final destruction as they resort to the fascist dictatorship and confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north, going against the desire of the people and demand of the times.

Minju Joson says that the south Korean conservative authorities should bear in mind that they would certainly face a severe punishment by the times and history for persistently enforcing their treacherous rule quite contrary to the desire of the people for independence, democracy and reunification.

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