calendar>>June 9. 2016 Juche 105
Appeal to All Compatriots Issue
Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- A joint conference of the DPRK government, political parties and organizations held on Thursday adopted an appeal to all Koreans.

The appeal said:

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un clarified the Juche-oriented line and policies for national reunification with the strong determination and will not to allow the tragedy of national division to go on at the podium of the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea. This was a solemn declaration of the final victory in the struggle for the independent reunification expected to come before long.

Now is the crucial time for all Koreans to turn out as one and dynamically advance to pull down the barrier of hostility and confrontation and bring earlier the bright day of reunification.

At this crucial and historic juncture the DPRK government, political parties and organizations ardently appeal to all Koreans as follows, prompted by the single desire to bring earlier the new era of independent reunification, peace and prosperity by thoroughly carrying out the policies for national reunification advanced at the 7th Congress of the WPK:

Firstly, let all compatriots dynamically pave the way for reunification, holding higher the banner of national independence!

National independence is the eternal lifeline of the movement for national reunification and a firm guarantee for victory.

There is no problem insolvable and no obstacle insurmountable if the Koreans join hands and pool their wisdom and efforts.

National independence means patriotism and reunification but dependence on outsiders country-selling and division.

Secondly, let us usher in a great heyday in the cause of great national unity for the country's reunification!

The history of the struggle for national reunification is one of great national unity and the great national unity entirely means the country's reunification.

It is the real intention of the ideal of great national unity clarified by the peerless patriot that we will join hands and work for reunification and patriotism with anyone without hesitation if he or she has national conscience even though he or she had covered the road of anti-reunification in the past.

Let's devote ourselves to the cause of achieving national reunification and great national unity irrespective of ideology and ism by directly linking one's destiny with that of the nation!

Thirdly, let all compatriots turn out and convert the land of Korea into a cradle of peace and security and paradise completely free from a war!

Let all compatriots pool efforts and come out in the nation-wide anti-U.S. sacred war for driving all the U.S. imperialist aggression forces, source of aggression and war, out of south Korea, if one wishes to lead a stable life in peace!

Genuine peace is guaranteed by arms and the most powerful self-defensive war deterrent represents justice which beats injustice.

Everybody should properly understand the benefits the DPRK's treasured nuclear sword for self-defence brings to the nation, and lay bare the confrontational and belligerent nature of those who term it "threat" and the like.

Fourthly, let's make the world see the shining appearance of a power reunified by federal formula accepted and supported by the whole nation!

The federal formula which was confirmed by the heads of the north and the south before the nation and is being accepted and supported by all compatriots is the nation's unique way of reunification as it is most reasonable, fair and aboveboard.

Let all fellow countrymen in the north, the south and abroad wholeheartedly support the reunification by federal formula, irrespective of ideology and social system, and wage a positive struggle for achieving it!

Fifthly, let us resolutely break with the past woven with hostility and antagonism, confrontation and conflict and pave a new way for improving the inter-Korean relations!

The inter-Korean relations have reached the worst phase of suffocating and that of total freeze owing to the extreme confrontation.

The south Korean conservative group are chiefly to blame for this as they reacted to the DPRK's sincere efforts and proposals for improving the inter-Korean relations at the lowest ebb by recklessly hurting the dignity of its supreme leadership and reeling off sophism about "collapse of its social system".

However, the peerlessly great man called the south Korean authorities partner for reunification with his rare and courageous decision not to ask about any past wrongdoing but hew out any rugged thorny path to find a solution to the issue of the nation, the issue of reunification, and put forward once again the reasonable way for improving the inter-Korean relations.

The south Korean authorities should clearly understand that it is the wisest attitude for saving their destiny for them not to fail to respond to the offer made by the DPRK to advance together as partner for reunification at this juncture.

We propose opening a nation-wide grand meeting for reunification on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation, prompted by the ardent desire to bring about an epochal turn in weathering the present difficulties, improving the inter-Korean relations and accomplishing the cause of national reunification by the concerted efforts of all Koreans.

We ardently call upon all Koreans in the north, the south and abroad once again to turn out as one in the sacred struggle to fling the gate of the reunified power open, their hearts burning with patriotic enthusiasm full of firm faith and optimism about the final victory in the struggle for national reunification.

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