calendar>>June 9. 2016 Juche 105
Spokesman for DPRK Red Cross Society Urges S. Korean Authorities to Send Back All Abductees of DPRK
Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society on Thursday gave an answer to the question put by KCNA as regards the fact that the south Korean puppet Intelligence Service (IS) is desperately conducting an anti-DPRK smear campaign, while resorting to its operations to allure and abduct citizens of the DPRK.

These days the south Korean public is strongly demanding an interview with abductees of the DPRK whom the IS illegally keeps in custody.

For example, on June 3 the Bar Association for Democratic Society and the Council of Christian Churches of south Korea requested the permission to see citizens of the DPRK abducted by the IS.

The IS gangsters are working hard to conceal their wicked nature as the mastermind of the operation for allurement and abduction and calm down the domestic and foreign public's strong criticism of them, the statement said, and went on:

A particular mention should be made of the fact that they keep the abductees strictly away from any contact with outside and are making desperate efforts to create impression at any cost that they "defected from the north according to their free will" by running the whole gamut of appeasement and deception, threat and blackmail.

The IS gangsters frantically carried out operations to lure and abduct citizens of the DPRK in foreign countries in the past, too, but they have never been so undisguised in their moves to conduct such operations in broad daylight in such a premeditated and group manner as now.

The hideous crimes committed by the south Korean puppet group in the eyes of the world clearly show how desperately they work to check the advance of the DPRK and keep afloat their bankrupt policy of confrontation.

Such spy and conspiratorial body as the IS, which stoops to any infamy to do harm to the fellow countrymen, should be disbanded as soon as possible as it brings nothing good to the national reconciliation, unity and reunification.

The south Korean puppet group should apologize to the entire nation for their thrice-cursed abduction of citizens of the DPRK and immediately disorganize the IS and send back all the abductees unconditionally.

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