calendar>>June 9. 2016 Juche 105
School Youth and Children Start Study Tour of Revolutionary Battle Sites in Area of Mt. Paektu
Hyesan, June 9 (KCNA) -- School youth and children from across the country started a study tour of the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of the study tour of the above-said revolutionary battle sites.

The tour group consisting of exemplary school youth and children from across the country will visit the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu associated with the exploits of the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

A kick-off ceremony took place before the statues of the Generalissimos in Hyesan City, Ryanggang Province on Thursday.

The participants laid a floral basket and bouquets before the statues of the Generalissimos and paid tribute to them.

The reporter and speakers said at the meeting that the study tour would help its participants deeply grasp the revolutionary careers and feats of the Generalissimos and prepare themselves to be reliable successors to the Korean revolution who will accomplish the cause of the Juche revolution started in Mt. Paektu through generations.

They underscored the need to arm themselves with the Juche idea and Songun idea of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) by applying the anti-Japanese guerilla method of studying and grasp the revolutionary spirit of Mt. Paektu and the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and fortitude displayed by the anti-Japanese guerillas and fully display the heroic stamina of the youth of Paektu by thoroughly applying the present campaign to create the Mallima speed to carry out the tasks set forth at the Seventh Congress of the WPK.

The study group started its march toward Mt. Paektu, flying flags of the DPRK and the youth league, led by the flags bearing the beaming images of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Working people and school youth and children in Hyesan City sent off the members of the study group.

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