calendar>>June 9. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Military Warmongers Busy with War Exercise
Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- According to the south Korean Yonhap News, the rapid task force of the south Korean puppet marine corps is getting frantic with the war exercise in the west coastal areas of Korea, timed to coincide with the puppet military warmongers' escalation of provocations against the DPRK in the areas along the Military Demarcation Line and hotspot waters of the West Sea of Korea.

On June 5 it staged a large-scale mobile exercise from Phohang, North Kyongsang Province, to Phyongthaek port, Kyonggi Province with landing craft, transports and vehicles involved.

Blustering that there is no other option for preventing the north from bolstering its nuclear capability and putting nukes under control except for special operation such as "beheading operation", the puppet warmongers are resorting to reckless moves to increase capability for actual war through drills for a war of aggression in the wake of creation of a rapid task force to be involved in the hideous crime.

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