calendar>>June 9. 2016 Juche 105
Miserable Fate Awaits Confrontational Maniacs: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The south Korean ruling forces should not forget even a moment that the most miserable fate awaits the confrontational maniacs and traitors to the nation, says Rodong Sinmun Thursday in an article.

The north and the south of Korea now stand at the crossroads of whether to pave the way for improving relations or to allow the present catastrophic situation to go on, proceeding from a strategic thinking and cool judgment over the issue of the destiny and future of the nation, the article notes, and goes on:

We always regard as our creed the immutable truth that the nation comes above ideology and social system. Therefore, we have made strenuous efforts to join hands with the south, make a breakthrough in the barrier of confrontation and pave an avenue to improving relations.

This time, the DPRK, out of its only intention to improve the present catastrophic north-south relations through dialogue and negotiations, not military confrontation and conflict, reached its warm hands of good faith and magnanimity to the south Korean authorities, not asking about the past.

But the south Korean ruling forces are opting for confrontation, not reconciliation and unity, with inveterate repugnancy and hostility toward the fellow countrymen in the north.

The south Korean authorities are busy with smear campaign and confrontational racket against the DPRK almost every day. This is a revelation of their dirty scheme to scupper the atmosphere for dialogue created thanks to the sincere and positive efforts made by the DPRK and rev up the climate for stifling it.

What is sought by them is the atmosphere of confrontation and war for isolating and stifling the fellow countrymen, not the one for dialogue.

Should they persist in confrontational vituperation quite contrary to the patriotic appeal made by the DPRK, they will have to pay a dear price.

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