calendar>>June 9. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Ambition to Dominate World Is Daydream: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, June 9 (KCNA) -- The U.S. finds it hard to conceal its uneasiness and fear of the DPRK's rapidly increasing nuclear deterrent for self-defence.

The U.S. Congress is increasingly asserting the need to develop the new technology of measuring seismic tremor in a bid to detect the DPRK's nuclear test and boost the capability to identify ICBMs flying into the U.S. mainland.

Rodong Sinmun Thursday says in a commentary in this regard:

This is a revelation of disturbed feelings of the nuclear criminal unable to have a sound sleep owing to the DPRK's access to nukes and its measures to bolster its nuclear deterrent.

When Obama took the U.S. presidential office, he did not expect the balance of force between the DPRK and the U.S. to change so much.

He calculated that the procrastination made by the U.S., persistently threatening and blackmailing the DPRK with nukes and slapping harsh economic sanctions, would help "bring down its social system" and carry out the scenario for "invading the north".

The policy of "strategic patience" reflected such ambition.

This, however, has gone totally bust.

The U.S. persistent nuclear threat to the DPRK only helped the latter join the ranks of nuclear powers.

The U.S. ambition to dominate the world turned out to be a daydream now that the curtain has dropped on the history of U.S. unilateral nuclear threat and blackmail against the DPRK and the U.S. ambition to invade the DPRK proved futile.

The only way out for the U.S. to get rid of phobia and nervous prostration caused by the DPRK's tremendous military muscle is to halt all nuclear threats and blackmails and opt to make a policy switchover.

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