calendar>>June 8. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Warmongers Escalate Military Provocations against DPRK
Pyongyang, June 8 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet forces are getting evermore pronounced in their military provocations to aggravate the situation on the Korean peninsula.

The puppet military warmongers let reconnaissance drones make shuttle flights in the sky over the biggest hotspot waters along the "northern limit line" in the West Sea from 14:07 to 20:30 on Tuesday and intrude three times into the DPRK's territorial sky even 10kms for espionage.

In the meantime, a speedboat of the puppet navy and four fishing boats of south Korea infiltrated five times into the territorial waters of the DPRK deep 1.5kms from 05:30 to 16:58.

Such aerial espionage and maritime intrusion have continued every day this month.

The situation prevailing in the hotspot waters has gone beyond the danger line so that one may say the south Korean puppet forces had already started provoking a war against the DPRK.

Such military provocations beyond imagination are also observed in the area along the Military Demarcation Line (MDL), too.

The puppet military hooligans have threatened personal safety of DPRK servicepersons on a routine guard duty at the frontline area, taking posture of firing on them and breaking out in coarse invectives against them. They also intensify the anti-DPRK psychological broadcasting while inviting human scum even to the inside of the "Civilian Control Line" to scatter anti-DPRK leaflets.

Due to such reckless military provocations, the volatile areas along MDL and the hotspot waters have become a dangerous fuse for provoking a war against the DPRK in land, sea and sky.

The south Korean warmongers' military provocations in the MDL area and on the hotspot waters assume greater danger as they are a result of the scheme to drive the situation of the Korean peninsula to the phase of war.

This is well evidenced by the fact that they are getting hell-bent on military provocations everywhere in ground, sea and sky, not content with the recent gun firing at a navy ferryboat of the Korean People's Army and intrusion of 19 civilian fishing boats into the DPRK territorial waters.

It is the law of nature that the frequency of dark clouds brings rainfall. The escalated military provocation is sure to incite a merciless counteraction.

The Park Geun Hye group of traitors is bound to face a stern punishment of the entire nation for such vicious scheme to cover up its heinous crimes and keep the remainder of its dirty life with reckless military provocations.

Only death awaits provokers.

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