calendar>>June 8. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Chief Executive's Foreign Trips under Fire
Pyongyang, June 8 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Kyunghyang Daily News in an article on May 27 denounced the south Korean puppet chief executive for her visits to African countries.

It recalled that voices censuring her African visit are growing strong in south Korea.

Against the backdrop of worsening public opinion about her trip, Park Geun Hye voiced her opposition to the "draft amendment to the law on National Assembly" by way of giving digital signature from abroad, putting a veto over the south Korean society, it noted.

It ridiculed that this resulted in denying herself the justification for "economic recovery" for which she set about foreign tour.

There is mounting criticism because Park gave priority to "cooperation with different countries in pressurizing the north," it added.

The floor leader of the Minju Party of south Korea, an opposition party, in a meeting of the emergency measure committee held at the "National Assembly" on May 30 deplored that it is no time for the "president" to waste time talking about the north in other countries, adding that she does not seem to strive to cope with the serious economic situation.

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