calendar>>June 8. 2016 Juche 105
KFA Praises DPRK as World for Working Class
Pyongyang, June 8 (KCNA) -- The Korean Friendship Association (KFA) headquartered in Spain posted an article titled "World for working class" on its website One Corea Network on May 28.

The article said:

The heroic working class of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in the DPRK are carrying on their dynamic march after fully demonstrating the spirit of victors in the 70-day campaign of loyalty towards the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

It is President Kim Il Sung who put forward the popular masses, whom the exploiting class once regarded just as means helping them heap up wealth and speaking tools, as the most valuable beings in the world and masters of history.

HE Kim Jong Il took warm care of the destiny of the working class in a responsible manner, true to the noble intention of the President who always put forward the working class more than anyone else out of his creed that our is the world of the working class.

The Korean people find Marshal Kim Jong Un just identical to the benevolent father who showed all loving care for the working people.

During his field guidance Kim Jong Un drops in at the hostels and dining halls of the workers to show paternal loving care for them. It is quite natural that the working people in the DPRK are moved to tears, calling him their father.

Under his great loving care, the working people sing of fruitful labor and the worksites are full of their happy laughter in the DPRK.

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