calendar>>June 8. 2016 Juche 105
British Body Discloses Crimes of S. Korean Fascist Dictators, U.S. Imperialists
Pyongyang, June 8 (KCNA) -- The British Association for the Study of Songun Policy posted on its website on May 24 and 25 articles disclosing the crimes committed by the south Korean fascist dictators who reduced south Korea to a theater of fascist rowdyism and tundra of human rights and democracy and by the U.S. imperialists, mastermind of the Kwangju massacre.

Disclosing the crimes perpetrated by the Park Chung-Hee military fascist junta that reduced south Korea to an unprecedented fascist dark society where iron rule, terror politics and tyranny stalk and tundra of democracy, the article says:

Much water flew under the bridge since an end was put to the "yusin" dictatorial rule in south Korea.

However, the south Korean people are still suffering from all misfortune owing to Park Geun Hye's merciless politically-motivated suppression and unprecedented illegal atrocities against democracy reminiscent of those in the period of the "yusin" dictatorship.

Park, daughter of the "yusin" dictator, changed all the fascist suppression mechanism the way as was done during the "yusin" dictatorship while eulogizing it.

The situation proves that it is necessary to bring down the dictatorial regime by the concerted efforts in order to pull outsiders out of south Korea and build a democratic new society free from fascist dictatorship.

Another article referred to many crimes perpetrated by the U.S. in south Korea.

What should not be forgotten is that the U.S. was the backstage manipulator of the Kwangju massacre, the article said, adding:

The U.S. imperialists who wire-pulled the killing of Kwangju uprisers should quit south Korea.

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