calendar>>June 7. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Accuses S. Korean Ruling Forces of Getting Frantic with Anti-DPRK Propaganda for Confrontation
Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- Shortly ago, the south Korean authorities let the "preparatory committee for unification" hold a "seminar on unification of Korean peninsula in 2016".

Minister of Unification of south Korea Hong Yong Phyo at the seminar cried out for confrontation with the DPRK, blustering that "it is not time to have dialogue" and "it is necessary to channel all efforts into sanctions".

Riff-raffs spouted a litany of invectives calling for coping with "the north's provocation and insincere peace offensive," talking such cock-and-bull story as "dismantlement of nukes first and dialogue next."

Rodong Sinmun Tuesday says in a commentary in this regard:

This is a blatant challenge to the patriotic call and peace-loving efforts of the DPRK for improving the inter-Korean relations and an unpardonable mockery of all the Koreans' desire for the country's reunification.

The above-said seminar held by the south Korean authorities as a challenge to the DPRK's efforts for improving the inter-Korean relations is no more than premeditated moves to escalate the tension on the Korean peninsula and ratchet up the campaign to stifle the DPRK in collusion with outside forces.

The racket persistently kicked up by them to slander the DPRK's fair and aboveboard measures would only bring into light their true colors as the anti-reunification confrontational maniacs and precipitate the stern judgment by the era and the nation in the end.

If they imprudently turn down the offer made by the DPRK out of good faith and insist on their one-sided confrontation stand despite the opportunity given to them to change their mind, they will be held wholly accountable for all the ensuing consequences.

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