calendar>>June 7. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Brands U.S. as Arch Criminal Aggravating Tension
Pyongyang, June 7 (KCNA) -- A professor of Massachusetts Engineering College of the U.S. known as leading light in the field of missile defense system expressed his personal view on the U.S. strategy for missile defense system at a recent interview with TASS. He said that the U.S. missile defense system technology is very limited and pitiful.

The probability of intercepting ICBMs from the DPRK with intercepting missiles deployed in Alaska and California is zero percent and it will only create such dangerous situation as a nuclear war in the future, he added.

Minju Joson Tuesday observes in a commentary in this regard:

As declared by the U.S. expert on missile defense system, missile defense systems deployed in Alaska and California to protect the U.S. mainland from the missile attack from the DPRK remain unfinished as they are still under development.

The U.S. government authorities are busy deploying the unfinished missile defense systems at an early date in a bid to draw Russia and China into a nuclear arms race and thus obstruct their economic growth and carry out Washington's strategy for world domination by force.

The reality goes to prove that the U.S. is the arch criminal stemming the trend of the times for reconciliation and cooperation and escalating confrontation, antagonism and tension.

The U.S. should stop at once the criminal racket of blocking the onward movement of mankind for peace, development and prosperity.

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